Celebration of Worship  11 am  (and in-person Service when available)
Zoom:  566-965-650  Passcode  900361

Youth Hang Out   Sunday Eve's  7 pm
Zoom: 976-1877-7352  Passcode  914966

Children's Hour w/storytelling     Sun Eve's  8 pm
Zoom  964-1021-2427  Passcode  541602

Coffee with the Pastor   Mon  11 am
Zoom:  631-887-165  Passcode  375637

Into the Word  Mon's  7 pm
Zoom;  943-9049-1404  Passcode  209639

The Holy Club Of GS/Savage  Mon's  9 pm
Zoom:  941-6327-7971  Passcode  256442

Journey Through the Bible  Tue's  7 pm
Zoom:  947-5619-4251  Passcode  024529

High Noon Prayer  Wed's  12N
Zoom:  409-666-503  Passcode  581382

Becoming Disciple thru Bible Study  Wed's  7 pm
Zoom:  961-6016-5713  Passcode  716470

Lenten Movie Night  Wed's  9 pm
Zoom:  964-1866-0868  Passcode  935995

Jesus in the Gospel   Thu's  9 am
Zoom:  912-9923-1991  Passcode  552624

Faith Talk  Thu's  11 am
Zoom:  953-5226-4574  Passcode  014740

Fiesta Con El Buen Pastor  Thu's  7 pm
Zoom:  925-5525-4574  Passcode  136731

Choir Rehearsal  "In-Person Plus"  Thu's  7:30 pm
GoToMeeting  937-140-485

Confirmation Class  Sat's  1 pm
Zoom:  922-3881-6546  Passcode  007143

Worship, Study, and Fellowship at Good Shepherd UMC

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